What do peacocks sound like- 9 Different Vocalization

What do peacocks sound like?

Peafowl, or peacocks,
are some of the most exquisite and colorful birds. Females, commonly referred to as peahens, have far more neutral coloration, while males typically have most of the color. Charles Irwin first proposed that the peacock’s enormous tail may have anything to do with mate selection, however, this theory is still hotly debated today. But in these partnerships, the noises that peacocks create are much more important.

Types of Peacock Sounds and Meanings

Peacocks Sound and Meanings


what do peacocks sound like

The peacock’s cry is arguably the most easily recognizable sound of them all. During mating season, when this sound is most frequently heard, males are more noticeable to the females they are trying to court. The scream has a pitch that varies from that of a crying kid to that of a lady. Males utilize it to demonstrate their amazing physical prowess and frequently do so while flaunting their vibrant plumage.

Listen to a peacock screaming here:

The scream may also indicate the presence of a danger. They notify other birds in the vicinity that they are the dominating bird via scream. Although you mostly hear males scream, females also shriek to warn off intruders who may harm their babies.


There are several different noises associated with mating season, and honking is only one of them. Using a guttural voice in the male’s throat, the honk is significantly deeper than a scream and inspires females to think of him as their spouse. Males use the honk to warn other males who could try to take their possible spouse as well as to entice ladies. Some claim that it sounds like a foghorn or a vehicle horn being honked.

Males can mimic the honking they would do to attract females during mating. When a male approaches a female forcefully in an attempt to mate, he frequently makes this honking sound.

Listen to a peacock honking here:


what do peacocks sound like

The sound of rattling is highly distinct and is akin to that of a rattlesnake. The peacock’s rattling is caused by their tail feathers rubbing against one another, not by a sound emanating from their throat. This sound usually occurs when they are displaying themselves for a potential mate. As they dramatically open their tails to demonstrate what a stunning companion they would be for the female they are courting, the rattling provides a background tune.

To hear a peacock rattle its feathers, check this out:


When peacocks are unhappy with their surroundings, they let out short, harsh caws. They utilize the caw to express their anger, but they may also use it to convey their anxiety or tension. A predator is close by, as other peacocks and other animals are alerted by cawing.

Listen to a cawing peacock here:


Because the male doesn’t make it, calling differs differently from other sounds made by peafowl. Peahens exchange messages with other peans through these nasal sounds; the message depends on the frequency. Certain frequencies alert other peahens to potential threats, enabling them to defend their nest. Others point to the threat’s range and other significant environmental elements. The reason peafowl continue to thrive in the wild is partly due to their sounds.

A man’s call conveys a quite different message. They notify females that they are ready for mating, not that they are in danger.

Listen to a peahen call here:


A peacock’s squawk can be loud, bothersome, and unceasing. But it benefits them in a lot of ways. The squawk is a technique for them to alert other peacocks to their presence if they have recently entered a new enclosure or area. Squawking also alerts other peacocks to the presence of a predator so they may defend themselves but with greater urgency.

During the making season, this squawking is at its peak. Peacocks employ this noise, along with all their other mating cries, to establish dominance over other males and get the greatest attention. The only way to quiet the squawking is to separate the birds since they get so loud.

To hear a peacock squawking, listen here:


Peacocks make a distinct sound when they click. The clicking sound originates in the back of their throat, yet it sounds like the rattling of a tail that these birds do. It is a cautionary tale to others as well as one of the several ways men woo women. When a peacock selects a mate, they becomes very protective of her, and their clicking signals to other birds to stay away.

Check out this video to hear the clicking:


Another method males signal to females that they are ready to mate is by shrieking. While screeching differs from place to place, peacocks from tropical regions of Asia and Africa are more likely to make this sound. In addition to warning of impending danger, the shriek shields the flock. The peacock inflates its neck sac to produce a loud sound that may be heard up to a mile distant.

Listen to the screeching here:


A cooing is among the most serene noises produced by a peacock. Similar to a dove or pigeon cooing, a female’s primary purpose for cooing is to express her favorable interest in a male. Their readiness to mate with their suitor is evident from the amorous sounds they make. Females are typically the only ones that hear the cooing noise. These birds, which belong to the pheasant family, emit a sound similar to a purr. It is advisable to keep this wild bird at a safe distance from its partner, though, as this is not an invitation to approach.

Hear a peahen cooing here:

What Peacock Sounds Mean

Peacocks sound serve several important functions in their lives:

Mate Attraction: The loud calls and melodious songs are essential for attracting potential mates during the breeding season. The more impressive and unique a male’s vocalizations, the more likely he is to win the affection of a female.

Territorial Defense: The alarm calls and contact calls help peacocks establish and defend their territories, ensuring the safety and resources needed for breeding.

Social Bonds: The contact calls are used for maintaining social bonds within a group of peafowls, promoting cooperation and mutual protection.


Peacocks sound are a remarkable aspect of these stunning birds, revealing the depth and complexity of their behavior beyond their visual splendor. From their captivating calls that echo through their habitats to the intricate science behind their vocalizations, peacocks continue to surprise and amaze us with their multifaceted communication.

Next time you’re lucky enough to encounter a peacock, listen carefully to their calls, and you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty of their language. Understanding what peacocks sound like offers a unique window into their world, enriching our connection with these enchanting creatures.

So, the next time you ask yourself, “What do peacocks sound like? Keep in mind that it isn’t merely a noise; it represents the harmonious symphony of the natural world, serving an essential function in the existence of these extraordinary avian creatures.

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