What Do Parakeets Eat- Unlocking the Nutritional Secrets for a Healthy Feathered Friend

Given their popularity as pets, you might be curious about what do parakeets eat. We’ll talk about the ideal food choices for parakeets as pets and their diet.

A long-tailed parrot of the true parrot family, the parakeet is often referred to as a budgerigar (or budge). The word “Parakeet,” which means “Parrot,” is derived from the French word “Perroquet.

What Do Parakeets Eat
What Do Parakeets Eat

It has been discovered that parakeets can survive in a wide range of environments, including woodlands, meadows, and other places with lots of water. Particularly in the United States, parakeets have become one of the most popular pets due to their charming looks, intelligence, and chatty attitude.

What Do Parakeets Eat?

Fruits, veggies, and seeds are consumed by parakeets. In the wild, parakeets mostly feed on seeds and grasses as granivores. Many parakeet species are ground feeders because they will forage on savannah and woodland grounds to get food. More sowing grasses are consumed by them than by larger parrots, as it happens.

What Do Parakeets Eat

It is also known that parakeets in the wild consume the bark, buds, and seeds of trees.

The following is a list of the most typical foods parakeets will consume:

  • Seeds (safflower seeds, and canary seed, millet seeds, sunflower seeds,)
  • Nuts (pecans, walnuts, acorns, hazelnuts, peanuts, and pistachios)
  • Fruits: watermelon, pineapple, blackberries, coconut, bananas, and apples
  • vegetables (spinach, green lettuce, broccoli stalks, cabbage, carrots, and celery)
  • Grains: (quinoa, rye, barley, oats, and buckwheat )
  • Flowers (roses, sunflowers, carnations, daisies, magnolias, marigolds, petunias, African violets, and chrysanthemum)

Parakeets consume a broad range of foods in the wild. The preferred foods of wild parakeets include flowers, seeds, fruits, and lush green vegetables. Nonetheless, the majority of their diet will consist of seeds.

Parakeet Diet- Video Tutorial

How Much Food Is Needed for Parakeets?

As previously indicated, parakeets must eat a wide range of foods to maintain their health when left on their own in the wild. The primary food source for wild parakeets is seeds, and they will consume as much as is necessary to maintain good health.


Offer a balanced diet including seeds, fresh fruits (in moderation), leafy greens, and vegetables. Limit treats to once a week and include occasional treats like pasta, beans, coconut, and cooked eggs. Monitor portion sizes to prevent obesity and provide a stimulating environment for foraging and play.

The capacity to forage until they realize they are full is possessed by wild parakeets, but it’s crucial to keep in mind that captive parakeets lack this capability.

It’s crucial to feed pets a certain quantity of food in order to maintain their health. Feeding smaller adult parakeets is necessary. Larger birds should be given between one and 1.5 teaspoons of seeds and pellets, while smaller birds should be fed between five and one teaspoon.

What Spring and Summer Foods Parakeets Eat

Parakeets consume whatever is in season at any given period of the year. For this reason, they eat mostly seeds in the fall and winter and plants, fruits, and vegetables in the spring and summer months.

A parakeet’s diet is influenced by its habitat. Certain parakeets subsist mostly on seeds, while others consume mostly fruits and vegetables. Australia and other arid and tropical regions are home to the parakeet. Some are able to consume such a varied diet because they reside in perfect tropical conditions.

What Do Parakeets Eat

What Are the Predators of Parakeets?

Even though they belong to the bird family, certain big birds, like parakeets, can consume other birds. The majority of birds that feed on parakeets are large ones, such eagle and falcon species.

Additionally, wild cats and rats may target parakeet nests in an attempt to steal the eggs or even kill the birds themselves.Additionally, snakes can be a threat, particularly to birds that reside in rainforests.

What To Feed Parakeets As a Pet

Because they are so entertaining and wise, parakeets are wonderful pets. Having a parakeet is fun for many people, especially since they can learn to communicate. Their ability to survive up to 29 years in captivity is another fantastic reason why people like them as pets.

It’s crucial to understand what parakeets often consume in the wild when it comes to feeding your pet. It is best to feed parakeets a diet that closely resembles what they would find in the wild. Parakeets should always have seeds in their feeder as they make up around 90% of their diet.

What Do Parakeets Eat

Another fantastic food choice that they may eat on a regular basis is leafy greens.

Fruits, however, should only be eaten once a week due to their high sugar content. You may also start giving your parakeets a variety of foods as occasional treats. These consist of pasta, beans, coconut, chiles, and cooked eggs.

What Food Is Not Accepted for Parakeets?

It’s critical to understand what foods parakeets cannot consume if you’re considering keeping one as a pet. There are some items you should avoid giving your parakeet when it comes to its health. Chocolate is known to be extremely harmful to canines, but it is also extremely hazardous to parakeets.

Additionally, you shouldn’t give your parakeet tea, coffee, sugar-free candies, fried or salted meals, dairy goods, or alcohol. These birds may also be harmed by a number of fruits and vegetables.

Avoid eating avocados, onions, and garlic. Bread, mushrooms, tomatoes, crackers, and any fruit pits or seeds should also be avoided.

Be Careful

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You may still give your parakeets cherries, apricots, and other pitted fruit as long as you first remove the pit or seeds. Fruit seeds should be avoided since they can be a choking hazard.


Understanding parakeet diet is essential for their well-being, whether they’re kept as pets or observed in the wild. Parakeets, belonging to various species, exhibit diverse feeding habits influenced by their habitats and natural behaviors.

While seeds constitute a significant portion of their diet, incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats can enrich their nutritional intake. Careful attention should be paid to avoid harmful foods and provide a balanced diet resembling their natural feeding patterns.

What Do Parakeets Eat

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Parakeet Diet

What should I feed my parakeet?

Parakeets should primarily be fed a diet of seeds, supplemented with fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats.

How much food does a parakeet need daily?

The amount of food varies depending on the size and activity level of the parakeet, but generally, they should be given 1-1.5 teaspoons of seeds and pellets per day for larger birds, and 0.5-1 teaspoon for smaller birds.

Can parakeets eat fruits and vegetables?

Yes, parakeets can eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, including spinach, lettuce, carrots, apples, and bananas. However, fruits should be given in moderation due to their high sugar content.

Are there any foods that are harmful to parakeets?

Yes, certain foods can be harmful to parakeets, including chocolate, caffeine, avocado, onions, garlic, and fruit pits/seeds. It’s important to avoid these foods to prevent health issues.

How often should I offer treats to my parakeet?

Treats should be given to parakeets sparingly, ideally no more than once a week, to prevent them from becoming overweight or developing health problems.

Can I feed my parakeet human foods?

Some human foods are safe for parakeets, such as cooked eggs, pasta, beans, and coconut. However, it’s important to avoid foods that are high in sugar, salt, or fat, as well as any foods that are toxic to birds.

Do parakeets need grit in their diet?

No, parakeets do not require grit in their diet. In fact, feeding grit to parakeets can be harmful as it can lead to digestive issues. Providing a balanced diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables is sufficient for their nutritional needs.

How can I ensure my parakeet is getting enough nutrients?

Offering a varied diet that includes a mix of seeds, fruits, and vegetables is the best way to ensure your parakeet is getting all the nutrients they need. Additionally, providing a vitamin and mineral supplement designed for parakeets can help fill any nutritional gaps.

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